Great Progress in 2019!

This B+ Hero's face says it all.  We're making progress for our brave bosses - the innocent kids battling cancer.  But, we're not done.

Thanks to your support, The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation is the largest provider of financial assistance to families of kids with cancer in the country.  Last year alone, we gave these families an aggregate total greater than $2,800,000!  SO many families were not evicted because of you.  SO many families had the heat turned back on.  SO many families had their vehicles fixed so that they could get their little warriors to the hospital for treatment.  You literally may have saved these kids' lives with your support of The Andrew McDonough B+ Family Assistance Program.

But, that's not enough. We must do more to eradicate childhood cancers...or at least, develop less destructive treatment protocols that won't have so many significant, long-term side effects.  For that reason, we are INVESTING in research, thanks to our world-class, B+ Scientific Advisory Board.  In 2019, we invested $2,000,000 in cutting-edge childhood cancer research.

2019 Overview-01.png

Finally, if you live in Delaware, PLEASE consider including us in your tax preparation. Whether you do your taxes or have someone do them for you, HB 23 allows Delawareans the opportunity to give a portion or all of their Delaware tax refund to The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation.  We were selected for this opportunity last spring by the Delaware General Assembly and the Governor.  There are other groups eligible, but my goal is for The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation to be #1 charity chosen.  Please make a note now to include us in your Delaware refund.  And, PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!  Thank you very much!


Live Like Andrew

Ali & Andrew's Dad


Research, Refunds, & Running!


Holidays in the Childhood Cancer World