A Lot to be Thankful For
I apologize for not being more frequent with my updates. It's not that there's nothing going on...it's actually quite the opposite. We've been very busy!
"Kids Helping Kids Fight Cancer"®
Schools -- this is a busy time of year as some students do their B+ events in the Fall, but most are hard at work planning their Spring events. Here's a sampling of the schools that have done recent events:
University of Alabama
Northeastern University
Washington & Jefferson
University of Texas - Sigma Chi Fight Night
University of California - San Diego
Sanford School - Hockessin, DE
I've had the pleasure of speaking at two Delaware elementary schools in the last few weeks - McVey Elementary (Newark, DE) and St. Peter's (New Castle, DE). I always like talking with kids...no offense, adults, but the kids ask MUCH better questions! :) Both schools are working on events to help us fight childhood cancer.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of joining our friends at NYU for the 3rd Annual "NYDM". Wow...what a success on so many levels. The crowd was the biggest yet, the energy was through the roof, about 12 of the B+ Heroes (kids with cancer paired with student groups) were able to join us, Luisa (Mom of B+ Hero, Christian, who is in Heaven) spoke movingly to the group, a shout-out video from about 15 celebrities surprised the kids and students, and the NYU students raised an amazing $333,703.34!!!
What does that mean? It means that hundreds of families of kids with cancer will have their burden lessened significantly. They won't have to worry about paying that medicine bill, or fearing eviction, or how they're going to get the power turned back on. They can worry about what's truly most important -- the life-and-death battle of their precious child. And, it means that we can intensify our funding of cutting-edge childhood cancer research to get big steps closer to a world without childhood cancers.
"Kids these days!"??? Yeah, I love 'em...they're pretty damn great.
As you gather with family and friends this holiday week, please focus on what you're thankful for, how blessed you are, and please keep our kids with cancer, and their families, in your thoughts and prayers.
So thankful to be Ali's & Andrew's Dad and Chris' husband.