Alumni & Young Professionals
Everyone is capable of helping kids fight cancer. Join the fight by attending a Young Professionals Event, joining a Young Professionals Chapter, or by bringing B+ to your city. Dedicated school event alums and young professionals allow us to continue to spread our impact across the country. Through their generous contributions, we have been able to provide financial assistance to thousands of families of children with cancer and fund cutting-edge research grants at world-class institutions.
B+ Young Professionals Chapters
The B+ Young Professionals Chapters are committed to bringing working professionals in their respective cities together to raise funds and awareness to fund critical childhood cancer research and assist families of kids with cancer nationwide. We currently have Young Professional Chapters in New York City and Philadelphia – check them out below.

B+ NYC Young Professionals Chapter
B+ Philly Young Professionals Chapter

B+ Boston Young Professionals Chapter
B+ D.C. Young Professionals Chapter
Upcoming B+ Young Professionals Events
Attending our Young Professionals Events is just one way to support the fight against childhood cancer, and to have fun doing it. Stay tuned for new event dates!
Bring The B+ Foundation to your city
If you’d like to bring a B+ Event or a B+ Young Professionals Chapter to your city, or if you have an existing fundraiser that you’d like to grow, we are ready to be your dedicated charitable partner. We offer hands-on support and years of experience to help make your event as successful as it can be. Fill out the form below to contact the B+ Team about your event.
“The B+ Foundation has fundamentally changed my life and the way I see things. Being a part of such a wonderful organization and being able to bring happiness to kids whose lives are harder than they should be is absolutely humbling.”
– Alyssa F.