April 16 10
Last Saturday, we had the honor of attending Pearce Quesenberry’s “4 Miles of Hope”. As many of you know, Pearce is one of our brave B+ Heroes who has battled medulloblastoma. She’s an amazing kid! Pearce started her own foundation (Pearce Q Foundation) to help others and “4 Miles of Hope” is one of their fundraisers. Pearce and her family honored children who are in the battle as well as children, like Andrew, who have gone to Heaven. I was just blown away when Pearce and her family unveiled three paintings that a family friend completed. They were three separate paintings of angels — Andrew being in the first one, with his big sis by his side. The painting is beautiful, the thought behind it is even more beautiful. We will treasure this wonderful gift. To further tell you the kind of person Pearce is, she and her Mom are in Alaska right now for the funeral of one of Pearce’s friends that she met in the hospital. The bond of families “in the club” is very tight! Thank you, Quesenberrys, for honoring Andrew and Ali!
Thank you to my new friends in the 5th Grade at North Star Elementary School in Hockessin, DE. Once again this year, North Star 5th graders are doing a service project for the balance of the year that benefits The B+ Foundation. Last year, they raised over $3,000.
Thank you to those that have contacted me in regard to the little girl in need of a bone marrow match. Please continue to spread the word to anyone that you know that may be of Armenian descent.
For those of you who are local, please stop by the Jackson Inn on Lancaster Ave in Wilmington tomorrow (Sat) night. B+ supporter Melissa Gregg will be guest-bartending with proceeds going to our Foundation. Thank you, Melissa, for thinking of our kids!
Tonight is Opening Night for the Wilmington Blue Rocks minor league baseball team. I’m really excited about the launch of “B+ Score for a Cure”. Every time that the Blue Rocks score a run, the announcer will say “That’s another B+ Score for a Cure. Astra Zeneca is proud to donate $25 to The B+ Foundation’s fight against childhood cancer.” Our logo will go up on the Jumbotron and there is a billboard in right field that will count the runs. Also, when the Rocks score their first run each night, B+ shirts will be thrown into the crowd. Not only will this program raise valuable money for our mission, but even more importantly, the awareness generated all season among thousands of fans will help us move childhood cancer into the forefront. Thank you, Astra Zeneca and the Wilmington Blue Rocks, for your support!
Live Like Andrew - MAKE it a good weekend — it’s up to you!
Ali’s & Andrew’s Dad