Message from Dalton

B+ Hero Dalton

Hear directly from a 15-year-old about what he’s been through. It will make you think differently about your problems.

“My name is Dalton. I'm from Wellsburg, West Virginia and I’m going to be 15 years old soon.I was first diagnosed with Medulloblastoma in 2015. I was 6 1/2 years old and underwent a tumor resection surgery, physical rehabilitation, 32 rounds of radiation and 7 moths of chemo. For 6 years I was clear of cancer and looking forward to only having scans every year, until September of 2021 the doctors noticed something was growing on the original spot on the back of my brain. They then recommended a spinal scan to only be informed that I had 2 more tumors 1 on my upper spine and 1 on my lower spine. We then made the decision to leave our local hospital for more advanced care at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN. I then had 3 more surgeries in November 2021 to remove the large tumor on my upper spine , then on my brain and then to put in a medical port. In December I started chemo therapy where I received 140 doses over the next year and everything looked good until that tumor on my lower spine started to grow again this past September.We then made the decision to recieve proton beam therapy at the Mayo Clinic that will require me to stay in Minnesota for 7 weeks. I'm still currently here receiving treatments and will be leaving on the 19th of December to go home to be with my family for Christmas. We attend our local church regularly and my hobbies and interests are rebuilding off road vehicles,hunting,fishing,camping and racing dirt bikes.i have 2 older siblings, 3 dogs and 2 cats.Thank you for helping my family.God Bless you all.”

I hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays. As you make your New Year’s resolutions, please resolve to keep our brave and innocent kids in your prayers. They did NOTHING to deserve this hell. I hope and pray that 2024 brings exciting new discoveries in the research landscape of childhood cancers.

Happy New Year!


Ali & Andrew’s Dad


2023 Summary


The Doctor is In