Thank You Students!

B+ Hero Malachi

“First I want to send my condolences. I am truly sorry. I can only imagine. I wanted to send a huge thank you! This helps so much and we are very grateful! Having to worry about bills during this difficult time is added stress that I wish no parent has to deal with, so any kind of help is a blessing! Malachi has a cancer recurrence that is very aggressive and will have chemotherapy treatment every week for one year with surgery in between, and oral chemotherapy for one year after the first twelve months are completed. This is a tough fight & cancer will not win! Thank you for all the support during this time.”

Congratulations to NOVAdance and LMUDM

It’s our school event season and I’d like to congratulate the students of Villanova University (PA) and Loyola Marymount University (CA) for raising $601,507.81 and $152,168, respectively. We are so indebted to these kind, dedicated students who are allowing us to help families of kids with cancer and fund research to create a better world without childhood cancers. THANK YOU!

For those who celebrated, I hope you had a great Easter! Make it a great week!


Ali & Andrew’s Dad


You’re Making a Difference!


Learn from Latrell