Donor Advised Funds

Make a difference with three clicks via DAFpay!

You can go about making donations via Donor Advised Funds directly through your bank or brokerage website, per usual.
You can give to The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation and B+ School Events from your Donor Advised Fund directly on our website in three clicks with DAFpay!

What is a Donor Advised Fund?
A donor advised fund (DAF), is a charitable savings account that gives you the flexibility to recommend grants to The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation and other qualified charities.

Are you donating to a B+ School event?
Please note the school and student you're donating on behalf of so we can attribute it to them.

Tax ID number:

Mailing address:
The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation
101 Rockland Circle
Wilmington, DE 19803
