Project EveryChild


Children’s Oncology Group, Philadelphia, PA

The Children’s Oncology Group (COG) is the preeminent body that oversees non-governmental research funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The COG is made up of institutions in North America, Australia, New Zealand, and part of Europe. Ninety percent of children treated for cancer in the United States are treated at COG hospitals. The COG is led by internationally known pediatric oncologist, Dr. Peter Adamson of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

Dr. Adamson has been a great supporter of The B+ Foundation and we are proud to support a long-overdue initiative in Project EveryChild.

This project strives to capture tissue/blood/tumor samples from every pediatric cancer patient in the country and store them in a bio-repository in Columbus, OH. By gathering this information, we can significantly assist researchers as they require ample samples of these “rare” childhood cancers.

Project EveryChild will likely have a profound effect on childhood cancer research and, like ALL of the other research that we fund, it will benefit the entire childhood cancer community as collaboration is a requirement of ours.


Phase II Ewing’s Sarcoma Clinical Trial


Reversing NK Cell Dysfunction in Pediatric Cancer