Mar 15 10
“Beware the ides of March” (Wm S.)
While most know this as a literary reference, I will always remember “the ides of March” in 2007 as a very, very dark day. It was on that day that we learned that Andrew’s eyes were being impacted by the complications of the disease.
On the one hand, it is just a number. It’s the aggregate amount of 258 checks written by your Foundation to families of critically ill children around the country. More importantly, though, that number represents HOPE…LOVE…FAITH…and TRUST. When you are in the hospital worrying about your child’s life and death battle and you face eviction, for example, this support from ‘friends you have never met yet’ is truly a God-send. More than paying a bill or two, it lets you know that people care about you.
“We came home today from chemo round #3 and were moved to tears to find your letter and check in the mail.” (Austin’s family)
“You guys have been such a blessing to us! There are times that I feel like I could lose my mind, but the other day I received the gift, and it changed my day. Nobody except the people who have gone through this situation can begin to understand the financial and emotional hardships this brings on.” (Mariah’s family)
Thank you very much for your continued support. Andrew is the leader of our Foundation, but you all are the backbone!
I had the privilege of being interviewed last week by a gentleman named Todd Welch. Todd has embarked upon a very ambitious undertaking to travel the country documenting stories of trust. If you’re interested, you can view our interview at his website below.
If you’re local, please plan to come out and join us for UDance on Sun. March 21st at the Field House at the University of Delaware. UDance is a 12 hour dance marathon (11am-11pm) open to the public. The highlight of the day will come at 4:30pm when we introduce the B+ Heroes (children with cancer) on stage. More information can be found at
Make it a great week!
Live Like Andrew
Ali’s & Andrew’s Dad