Take Me Out to the Ball Game

B+ Hero Angel

“This is my son Angel. He’s 8 years old and he’s been in-patient for about three months now he was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. He is a big fighter and stays positive even though he wants to go home. I would like to thank his donors for helping us out with rent as it’s been a hard last couple of months with him being in-patient. This will truly help us this month to have something less to worry about thank you very much.”

B+ Hero Coralynn

“I have a very hard time asking for help, and I cannot tell you how much this means to my family. We agreed to kinship guardianship of Coralynn and her older sister back in September of 2023. In January we found out Coralynn had B-Cell ALL. My husband and I also have a 9 year old son, and we both work full time. This was a challenge this winter because she ended up spending 6 of the first 9 weeks of diagnosis admitted to NWCH, which is over an hour from our home. We have had to take time away from work with her appointments being over an hour away at least once a week. We have had the most amazing family, friends, and staff support. Thank you for being added to the list of our extreme gratitude at this time in our lives. When we get back to a place where we can, we will pay this forward.

Thank you,

From the bottom of our hearts.”

NYC Chapter B+ Heroes Yankees Game

We have a wonderful group of young professionals that make up our NYC Chapter. In addition to a fun cocktail party in the spring, the group host several B+ Hero Families for a Yankees game. In a few cases, this was the first time that the children had ever been to a Yankees game! We had a great time with over 100 supporters and B+ Hero Families present.

Make it a great week!

Ali & Andrew’s Dad





Summer Leadership Academy