B+ 5k Today!!!
Today, we run, we walk, we gather together as a community to show a unified front against a collection of terrible, killer diseases grouped under the umbrella of childhood cancers. There are 12 major types of childhood cancers and dozens of even less well known ones. There's a 50% chance of rain...oh well, the B+ 5k goes on. Whether it's raining or completely dry, there will be children just 1.5 miles away holed up inside A. I. DuPont Hospital fighting cancer. And, there will be thousands others around the country in those 210 hospitals that we help. While you might be thinking about 50% in terms of rain or shine, there are families in the hospital who are being told percentages of doctors' estimates of their child's chance of living! Big difference, huh?
BTW, we never asked nor wanted to know prognosis percentages for Andrew, because if he had 1% chance of living, he had a chance to live. And, if he lived, that would be a 100% survival rate for our family. Besides, we used to always tell them that "only God and Andrew knows" what was going to happen.
So, tonight, we will raise money and awareness so that we can help families of kids with cancer and generate a lot of awareness for childhood cancer. For those 46 kids who will be diagnosed TODAY. For the 49 children who DIED just last week alone. Childhood cancer is BY FAR, the #1 disease killer of our children. We hope you'll join us -- in person or virtually. For more information or to donate, please visit:
Step UP
Today is the launch of the first stage of a coordinated campaign within virtually the entire childhood cancer community to ?#?StepUp? NCI funding for childhood cancer research. The campaign is being coordinated through the combined efforts of many in the childhood cancer world......BUT WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP!!!
Today's note to Congress is simple:?#?Step? Up: More Funding for Childhood Cancer Research. Increase NCI appropriations and reauthorize the Carolyn Pryce Walker Act!
Please share this link and click thru to tweet to your elected officials, and lets' work together to SAVE THE LIVES OF CHILDREN WITH CHILDHOOD CANCER!!!
Next Tuesday, we will personally visit the offices of hundreds of Members of Congress to lobby for increased funding of childhood cancer research. But, today and for the next several days, you will hopefully see a daily message in social media about what you can do to help. The B+ Foundation is proud to be a member of the Alliance for Childhood Cancer and the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer (CAC2) and we are encouraged by the collaborative efforts of our childhood cancer community to let our voices be heard. This isn't just an American problem; this is society's problem. Children shouldn't suffer and children shouldn't die from cancer. Period!
Ali & Andrew's Dad