B+ Explainer Video

New B+ ‘Explainer’ Video

“I think you’re an ‘A’”

“What’s B Plus?”

“Kids get cancer too?”

“Do you help kids outside of Delaware?”

These are some of the questions that I get when I’m wearing my B+ gear or discussing our Foundation with others. Periodically, we make ‘explainer’ videos that we use when introducing ourselves to student groups, companies, and other groups. Additionally, it can be a handy tool if you want to share it with your friends to give them a better idea of what ‘your’ charity does. Please feel free to share widely. Hope you like it.

I’m excited to hear people’s reactions to our new ‘Explainer’ video that is available today.

B+ Hero Sophia

“Dear B+ Foundation,

To say thank you for the generosity and care to our family would be an understatement of our appreciation. A little background on our seven-year-old daughter Sophia’s journey began on June 13th 2023, when she went to her last day of kindergarten thinking she was going to have a fun filled summer break. Later that day hers and our lives as a family turned for the worst when she ended up in the emergency room for intense headaches, dizziness and slurred speech. After some tests it was found that she had a 6cm mass on the left side of her brain. She was stabilized and flown to Loma Linda Children’s Hospital where she had surgery to remove the mass which was later found to be a rare form of brain cancer called Astroblastoma. After being released from the hospital, the next 11 months she had seven MRI scans to monitor that no tumor returned.

A week before her one year anniversary, we received the news we never wanted to hear; the tumor returned and needed to be surgically removed. On May 22nd, 2024 Sophia went in and had her 2nd brain surgery to remove the tumor. It was thought that all of the tumor was removed until we got a second opinion on the after surgery MRI scans. To our surprise, a portion of the tumor was not removed and on June 7th 2024, Sophia had to have a 3rd surgery to have the remaining portion of the tumor removed, which was a success. Next is 33 rounds of radiation treatment to target any cancer cells that could not be surgically removed.

During this time, we have had the constant worry of being able to make ends meet. From traveling to and from doctors appointments which some are over 100 miles away from home, to the hospital stays for her surgeries & having to take time off from work to care for Sophia. The added financial weight put on our shoulders was generously lifted by the donors of B+ by covering one month of mortgage for our family.

Foundations and donors such as B+ make an impact on families such as ours in a bigger way then one could imagine. This journey and generosity has aspired us to pay it forward to other families and/or kids who too are having their own struggles surrounding childhood cancer.

With much gratitude,

Michael, Genesis, Sophia & Madison”

Thank You!

July is always a hard time for me and my family. On the 14th, we battle through the anniversary of Andrew’s passing every year. Truly, it does NOT get easier for us. I want to thank you all for thinking of us, praying for us, and for posting nice, supportive messages. We truly appreciate it.

Make it a great week.


Ali & Andrew’s Dad



Summer Leadership Academy


Missing Andrew