Research Matters


The annual conference of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) was held last weekend in Chicago. It was my first time attending ASCO and, honestly, it was a bit overwhelming. It is the largest oncology conference in the country (probably world) with 50,000 attendees from all over the globe! It was an interesting conference although I would have liked to see more attention paid to Pediatric Oncology. I had a chance to politely ;) share my opinion with the President and President-Elect of ASCO.

I also had an opportunity to hear from - and speak with - Dr. Kim Rathmell, the Director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). In the pediatric world, where we get less financial support from pharma, we rely heavily on the NCI to fund clinical trials through the Children’s Oncology Group (COG). The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation is a close and loyal partner of the COG.

B+ Hero Sarah

“Today I write this letter of gratitude to B+ Foundation.

In February our daughter Sarah relapsed with cancer, for this reason we spent days or even weeks in the hospital and limiting my husband in his job we were very limited financially to pay the rent of our house and other services such as electricity and water, We approached our social worker expressing our concern to which he quickly responded to our message telling us about The B+ Foundation. He helped us apply for help and we were accepted by the foundation. Today, Sarah's family, with our hand on our hearts, wants to thank The B+Foundation for the great help paying our rent and water bills.

Thank you very much B+ Foundation for helping families like ours in the moments they need it most.”

18th Annual B+ 5k —- Wed. June 19th

Two weeks from tomorrow will be our 18th Annual B+ 5k Run OR WALK! Please register today.


Ali & Andrew’s Dad


Shane & Talula


Passing the Torch to Luke