The B+ Blog
Check out our blog to get monthly updates about all things B+ from our President and Co-Founder, Joe McDonough.
"Game Changer"
It's been a busy week meeting with students at the University of Texas, Texas A&M, and the University of Washington.
Happy Holidays
We are thrilled to share with you that The B+ Foundation has provided a second research grant to the Ben Towne Childhood Cancer Center (BTCCC) at Seattle Children's Hospital to support their fascinating work on immunotherapy.
5/6/14 - Exciting Research News
Back when we started this foundation, I was under the impression that you needed $100 million and 20 years to make an impact on the research front.
B+ Research Grants Announced
During a time when many people will be giving and receiving gifts, I am honored to share with you two gifts that OUR Foundation, The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, has just awarded.
Thurs. July 11th
Congratulations to Drs. Michael Jensen, Rebecca Gardner and everyone at the Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research at Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Fri. Feb. 1st
Thank you very much for all of the kind notes regarding this difficult week. Jan 29, 2007 is my ‘day that will live in infamy’.
Mon. Jan. 7th
What an amazing night last Saturday!!! Thank you, Mike Cofalka & Griff Jordan and everyone from the Wilmington PD and Wilmington FD, for a wildly successful event.
Wed. Jan. 2nd
The B+ Foundation is proud to announce the awarding of a $60,000 grant to the Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research at Seattle Children’s Hospital.