Lobby for Our B+ Heroes

B+ Hero Fable

“We would like to sincerely thank Be Positive for the generous assistance you’ve provided to our family during what has truly been the worst months of our lives. If you could please convey our gratitude to everyone involved, we would greatly appreciate it.

These last few months have been the hardest we’ve faced, when in October, our 7-month-old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia. During the that first induction she fought through more than anyone, let alone a baby, should ever have to battle; including 10 surgeries, going on and off a ventilator (several times) and a feeding tube, losing function in half her face, losing the ability to both sit and stand, and dropping down to a mere 15.5 pounds.

She is everything to us and such an incredible inspiration. She’s fighting so hard every day. I’m staying with her in the hospital and now (in induction 2) she’s fought her way back to bottling, increased her weight to a healthy range, she’s regained control over the left side of her face, she can once again sit up by herself (a major victory) and she is working on regaining her leg strength.

Throughout everything she has shown resilience, strength, and has gifted us with her smile even when she was in pain or when it was physically difficult.

She has experienced several of her ‘firsts’ in the hospital, including Halloween and Thanksgiving. We will be celebrating Christmas, New Year’s, and her first birthday here as well, before we have a chance at being home. We are trying to bring in joy and to make the days as festive as possible so that she can have the experiences every baby should get. And so we, as her parents get to share those experiences with her.

We cannot tell you how much she means to us, and we greatly appreciate the assistance Be Positive has provided our family to help us navigate this time of uncertainly and fear.

Thank you again.”

2025 Action Days

Please join us next month for “Action Days” where we head to Capitol Hill to make our voices heard in the fight against childhood cancer. Childhood cancer is a non-partisan issue but we need elected officials and their staff to not overlook us. There’s a DC expression “you’re either at the table or you’re on the table” meaning that if you don’t show up and lobby them, your cause will be on the table for it’s funding to be cut. Well, let’s be “at the table”. If you’d like to join us, please register here. You don’t need to have a child with cancer to speak up for them. Training is included on Day 1. This Action Day is a collaborative effort of the Alliance for Childhood Cancer and the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer (CAC2); both of which we are members. Thank you.

Ali & Andrew’s Dad



Forever Changed


Live Like Andrew!