The B+ Blog
Check out our blog to get monthly updates about all things B+ from our President and Co-Founder, Joe McDonough.

Kids Helping Kids Fight Cancer!
In the past week, we had an overnight (9pm-5am) dance marathon at the Charter School of Wilmington and the students set a new record by raising $100,777.83!!!

NOVAdance 2023 & Andrew Most Influential List
Congrats to the students of Villanova University for exceeding last year’s fundraising total and raising $505,311.35 for NOVAdance 2023!!!

This is the Busy Season
After an unexpected stay in the hospital for a few days last week, I was back on the road.

B+ Around the World!
Yesterday, I took a day trip out to LA for LMU’s Lip Sync competition benefiting LMUDM and The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation.

Breaking Records!!!
I was stunned yesterday when we wrote out 176 checks for $192,000 of assistance for families of kids with cancer nationwide!!!

It’s All About the Kids!
As you may recall, The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation is proud to be the major sponsor of an exciting collaboration called “ACCELERATE”.

Travel Season Has Begun
Thank you all for the kind comments on Andrew’s recent birthday. It’s so bittersweet that we got to have 14 amazing birthdays with him and have suffered through 16 without him.

B+ Summer Leadership Academy…and more!
On July 30-31st, we hosted 35 B+ partners in Wilmington, DE for our annual Summer Leadership Academy.

Back to The Bob
After being kept out of The Bob Carpenter Center for 2 years because of COVID, UDance 2022 returned on April 24th and they returned in great style.

UDance 2022 is HERE!
I hope everyone is enjoying Spring and had a nice time getting together with friends and family for Easter and Passover if you celebrate. It continues to be a busy time here at The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation.

$180,514.22 in One Week!
Just today, for this week’s review of applications, I wrote out checks for $180,514.22 to ease the burden on families of kids with cancer, give them the best chance to survive, and show them that someone cares.

Remembering Christian!
Just before Thanksgiving, I lost another friend. B+ Hero Christian Malmgren was a truly bright light. When he walked into a room, EVERYONE knew it.

Students Rock!
Over the past two weeks, three of our larger schools have held B+ events on their campuses. Our student partners have done an AMAZING job navigating through a full school year of pandemic and never quitting on our kids.

Exciting Research News!
The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation is proud to be one of the funders of the great work being done in the lab of Dr. Greg Friedman at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. As you may have seen on global media, exciting discoveries have just been revealed.
Welcome Andrew's Nephew!!!
After 23 days in the NICU, I finally got a chance to meet and hold my first grandson when he was discharged this week. World, please meet Luke Andrew…nice first name and really good middle name, huh?
Meet a B+ Hero Family
Let me introduce you to a B+ Hero Family. Adley is a 3 year old girl with a 4 year old big sister, Tenley. Tenley has been battling Leukemia and she had a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT).

Nothing is Stopping Us!
There was a great article in Women’s Health magazine this week about the masks that doctors wear when they’re off the clock. CHECK IT OUT…and make sure you see the #1 mask listed!
LOTS Going On!
February & March are the craziest months of the year here at The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. So many of our hard-working, dedicated student partners are holding their events or coming down the homestretch to their events.

Remembering Troy
Yesterday we celebrated the life of Troy Haynes, Jr. Troy reminded me a lot of my son, Andrew.