The B+ Blog
Check out our blog to get monthly updates about all things B+ from our President and Co-Founder, Joe McDonough.
Wed. Aug. 31st
My deepest gratitude for all of the kind comments and condolences expressed on Caringbridge and on the recent passing of my Mother.
Mon. Aug. 29th
The last two weeks have been a very trying time. At 1:47pm today, my son, Andrew, welcomed my Mom into Heaven.
Mon. Aug. 22nd
It’s a crazy, busy time at The B+ Foundation. Last Thursday, the New Candlelight Theatre ( hosted “B+ Night” at the theatre.
Sun. Aug. 7th
I wasn’t able to post a Journal Update last Friday as I was in Dallas presenting to the national convention of the Kappa Delta Rho (KDR) fraternity.
Tues. Aug. 2nd
We have had awesome “B+ Sightings” at neat places all over the world. As I mentioned in my last Journal Update, University of Chicago students Alex, Chris, and Parker climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro as a fundraiser for The B+ Foundation.
Wed. July 27th
While extremely hot, last Saturday was very exciting as we hosted “The B+ Foundation Heroes 200” Grand-Am car race at New Jersey Motorsports Park in Millville, NJ.
Thurs. July 21st
It has been a week since the 4th anniversary of Andrew’s passing. Words cannot describe how proud I am of Ali, her love for Andrew, and how well she is coping.
Thurs. July 14th
Do you know what happened 4 years ago today? Do you know what you did July 14, 2007? I’ll never forget it.
Mon. July 11th
I am pleased to report that The B+ Foundation Midwestern Regional Office is now officially open!
Mon. July 4th
Upon my return tonight, I opened the mail. The first envelope was addressed to “Andrew J. McDonough”. I felt like someone punched me in the stomach.
Mon. June 27th
Ali and I were invited to speak at her sorority’s convention in Phoenix, AZ last week. As the plane was landing, the pilot informed us that the current temperature was 105 degrees, going up to 113.
Fri. June 17th
Wow! Another great “B+ 5k”!!! We had over 2,000 participants and who knows how many spectators for an exciting night last night.
Mon. June 13th
As you know from past Journal Updates, The B+ Foundation is very active on about 15 college campuses around the country.
Wed. June 8th
We had a great conversation with Patrick in Watkins Glen, NY last week at our race. He is very committed to the fight against childhood cancers and I look forward to joining forces with him as we fight for the kids.
Mon. June 6th
It was a bittersweet day today as the Dedication Ceremony was held at the Nemours Center for Childhood Cancer Research (NCCCR) High Throughput Screening (HTS) Lab in Wilmington, DE.
Fri. June 3rd
Can you imagine watching your child in a life-and-death battle, and if that’s not bad enough, your insurance company refuses to cover critically necessary medicine?
Wed. June 1st
Last weekend, Ali and I went to Lime Rock, CT to be with Al Carter, Hugh Plumb, and the B+ Race Team.
Fri. May 27th
I am thrilled to inform you that The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation has been selected as the 2012 beneficiary of Northwestern University’s MILLION DOLLAR dance marathon!!!
Tues. May 24th
I just got back from Chicago today and I have to tell you about a really impressive hospital that I visited.
Sat. May 21st
Today marks the 3 year anniversary since one of our local B+ Heroes, Erin Brennan, went to Heaven.