The B+ Blog
Check out our blog to get monthly updates about all things B+ from our President and Co-Founder, Joe McDonough.
You Make Such a Difference!
I hope everyone in B+ Nation is staying safe and doing well. I thank you for your continued support because, now more than ever, our families of kids need you.
Our New World
I hope everyone is practicing social distancing, listening to Dr. Fauci, and staying safe. I'd like to share with you a family that you, B+ Nation, assisted this past week.
LOTS Going On!
February & March are the craziest months of the year here at The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. So many of our hard-working, dedicated student partners are holding their events or coming down the homestretch to their events.
YOU Make the Difference!
Mo is a 13 year old boy who has been battling cancer since he was 9 months old. Mo has been diagnosed with 3 different types of cancer - retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, and most recently, sinus sarcoma, and it has now spread to his lungs.

A Truly Memorable Week!
After spending 12 hours at Villanova on Saturday, we headed to The Bob Carpenter Center at the University of Delaware on Sunday for UDance 2019!

A Whole Lot of Random Stuff :)
Once again, my apologies for not posting more frequently. It's been a busy start to the year here at The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation.
111 Checks!!!
We just finished up our weekly review of Family Assistance Program applications and I signed 111 checks!!! Can you believe it? One week!
Paying it Forward
When we started The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation back in 2007, we printed cards that we called "Pay it Forward" cards.

Setting Records with Family Assistance
Such mixed feelings...I HATE that there are SO many families of kids with cancer...and so many need a helping hand.

Your Impact
We appreciate all of the nice 'thank-you' notes that we receive from our B+ families around the country. Can you believe that, because of you, we help families at approximately 225 hospitals around the country!!!

Meet B+ Hero, Roger
Here's a note to you from Roger's Mom. "Thank you so much for the financial support that The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation gave to our family during our difficult struggle with leukemia.”
Catching Up
I apologize for not being timely with my updates on and We've had plenty going on and hopefully you're also following Ali's updates on our B+ Facebook page.

Fri. Apr. 11th
For the past couple of months, the kids at McVey Elementary School in Newark, DE have been introduced to The B+ Foundation and have embraced the message of "being positive" and "Living Like Andrew".

Tues. Jan. 28th - Back from the Road
It's been a busy last week. I missed all the snow in Delaware but I have Ali's beautiful photograph to see what I missed.

Tues. Dec. 11th
Tomorrow (Thurs. 12/12) evening, the Philadelphia Flyers will posthumously honor my son, Andrew, at their game against the Montreal Canadiens.
Thurs. Oct. 17th
Sorry that I haven’t written in a little while…no shortage of things going on. That’s a big part of the reason that I haven’t updated you.

Mon. Sept. 30th
What would you do if I told you that a TRAGEDY is going to happen this week. TWO classrooms of 25 American children WILL BE KILLED this week?!

Mon. Aug. 19th
I’d like you to meet Liam. The “scuba dude” (see picture) is almost 11 months old and has already been through 4 rounds of chemotherapy for a Rhabdoid tumor.

Tues. Aug. 6th
I’d like you to meet 2 year old, Brody. He looks like a really healthy little guy, doesn’t he? Brody was diagnosed with leukemia the day after Mother’s Day this year.

Thurs. July 18th
As you may recall from my recent updates, I got a call on the 4th of July that one of our B+ Heroes, Alex Blythe, may have a brain tumor.